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News and Updates:

PREMVIC Schools....Established for the advancement of qualitative human capacity building..

What Parents/Guardians are saying

I love Happy Premvic Group of Schools for the kind of upbringing they impact on my children Mrs Ajayi Eunice

I am proud of my children academic performances ever since they joined Premvic Group of Schools. It's school for wholistic child education Mr Adebayo

I commend the staff of this school for their sacrfices and great efforts toward the development of our kids Mr Chukwuma Andrew

My children are improving greatly in their academics and morally. Thank you for the great work Mrs Alabi

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News and Updates
  • Vacation for 2nd term is 9th. April, 2022. We wish our dear pupils and esteemed staff members a restful and fun-packed holiday in advance.
  • Resumption for 3rd. term is 1st. May, 2022. We wish our dear pupils and esteemed staff members happy resumption in advance.

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