The Proprietor, Premvic Group of Schools

About Us

Premvic Group of Schools ------Established for the advancement of qualitative humancapacity building….

Our Vision

  • To be a place of learning in which academic excellence and godly conduct go hand-in-hand.
  • To become renowned for producing confident individuals who are both mentally sound and sound-minded
    and are well equipped for the purpose of overcoming the ever-increasing challenges of life.

Our Mission

  • To maximally utilize the available resources opened to us for the purpose of making qualitative education affordable for all and sundry.
  • To engage with ourparents andseek their cooperation with a view to ensuring that the enrollment of their children in the school is actuallyworth the while through impactful teaching and training
  • To constantly strive for improvement and to allow room for such a level of flexibilitythat can put us on the same page with notable schools in the international community.

We will depend solely on The Most High God in our quest to accomplish this noble mission of ours.

School Anthem

I have found a place of learning oh! Yes in PREMVIC Schools
A citadel of learning and moral uprightness
Renowned for sound academicsperformance all along
It is a right place to start for future-minded beings
With dedicated teachers and a focused Proprietor
They are ever ready to work and lead us day-to-day
As we collectively say now, we hail thee our schools
We pray to our Savior to help and guide us through, Amen!

Composed and written by the School Proprietor, Mr. K. A Ogundare

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Uniques features of Premvic Group of Schools

To mention but few, Our features include
  • Balanced Curriculum: Nigerian-British curriculum and Montessori teaching with emphasis on teaching of phonics

  • Seasoned and Tested professionals

  • Conducive classrooms and environment with conveniences

  • Moral, Social and foreign language teaching

  • Excellent Pupil/Student - Teacher ratio (15:1)

  • Moderate and Affordable School Fees

  • Extra Curricular activities such as Sports, Social gathering e.t.c

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